
the day that wouldn't end

oy, christ.

today was such a looooooong day. i had almost no work to do, so i spent about 7 of my 8 working hours (a) looking at stuff online, (b) organizing music, (c) staring at - not writing - my peace corps application essays, and (d) being bored out of my mind. i was so fidgety and restless because i just didn't have anything to do and the words weren't coming for my essays. ugh ugh ugh. it was quite a cranky day.

i think it pisses my coworkers off, too. i mean, there are definitely times when i'm crazy busy and they are just loitering around, and it doesn't bother me because i know that each of us has our own cycles. but i can't help but feel some animosity directed toward me when each time my coworkers pass by i'm reading the nytimes or fiddling with itunes. i bet they wish they could shovel some of their work on to me. i wouldn't want that either though...

maybe it doesn't make sense to complain about a lack of work. i certainly complain when i have too much work (like last week). i don't understand why it has to be one or the other, though. i just want some balance. is that really too much to ask?

on a brighter note, i love my laundry service. there's a laundromat on the same block as the 2/3 station that has a drop-off service. so this morning i dropped of my bag and this evening i picked it up. cost me $14, but that's a small price to pay for not having to sit in a sweltering laundromat on a saturday or sunday when it's beautiful outside. plus, i only do it twice a month or so, and $30 a month isn't that bad. so now i have clean clothes. and today is house-cleaning day, so i'll have a clean house to go with them. now if i could only get my room in order... why does that seem like such a neverending process?

i also bought lightbulbs today, so now i have a reading lamp. they have a three-strength lightbulb that i bought for my standing lamp, so i can have it on low, medium, or high. it's very nice. and i bought a comb, too, because i left my old one in the hotel in delaware last month.

okay, i'm hungry. time to cook and eat and get myself content.


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