
after reading mara's post recounting her IM conversations, i was inspired to look back through my own quotes file. wow. i've been out of the IM world for long enough--and these quotes are old enough--that i can't remember the context at all. but it brought back a lot of memories, especially since many of them were from people i barely (or never) talk to anymore. here are a few of the choicest bits:

scorp1014: who addresses themself as self ?
scorp1014: that's hilarious
scorp1014: because that's always what i preface my sentences with when i talk to myself
scorp1014: self, stop throwing it away
scorp1014: self, time to do homework
scorp1014: you know, self, this beer really isn't that good
LiteAngel: i'm going to quote you
scorp1014: hehe
scorp1014: you, self, are on a roll

LiteAngel: i guess i'll have to wait and see it
LiteAngel: your art, not your johnson.
duuuuk: haha
duuuuk: ha
duuuuk: haha
duuuuk: wooooo
duuuuk: that was good
duuuuk: really
duuuuk: I'm really laughing
duuuuk: I'm not being sarcastic
duuuuk: damn
duuuuk: the more I say that
duuuuk: the more sarcastic I sound, huh?

LiteAngel: what happened to all your resolutions?
teknohype: i ate em. they tasted oddly of bull feces.

and, of course, mara gets her own section. who is mara? the world may never know.

who is mara: you wish you were as cool as da masta
LiteAngel: i don't need to leave letters off my words to be cool
LiteAngel: yo.
who is mara: aight dogg
who is mara: i see how its gonna be
LiteAngel: it's! it's!
who is mara: you jus think yous da shit
who is mara: but you aint
LiteAngel: ain't! ain't!
LiteAngel: the apostrophe is your friend, masta!

LiteAngel: i'll but your mom!
who is mara: oh god
LiteAngel: sorry, couldn't resist
who is mara: your mom couldnt resist

LiteAngel: i'm always up for sush
iLiteAngel: how is it that "up for" and "down for" now mean the same thing?
LiteAngel: what if i said "i'm always sideways for sushi"?
LiteAngel: AND now i know how to punctuate that sentence!
who is mara: omg what are you talking about!?!?
who is mara: LOL
who is mara: that was the weirdest converstaion with yourself that you've ever had (on IM)

in other interesting news: i'm headed off tomorrow for geneva, then istanbul, for lots of work and hopefully also lots of fun. cool work folks are heading to istanbul with me, so it should be a good time. speaking of which, i should be packing. i always aim to avoid checking luggage, but it's wintertime now, and clothes take up so much space. we'll see if i succeed.

stay tuned for travel posts! don't you just love those?


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