
john vs jon

the new york times on john mccain's recent forays into the conservative base in anticipation of his '08 presidential campaign, i.e. his commencement speech at jerry falwell's liberty university.

the article quotes mccain's recent appearance on the daily show with jon stewart (scroll down and click on citizen mccain). it's a great interview, that makes me like john mccain just a little bit less. "has john mccain's straight talk express been re-routed through bullshit town?" i'm going to go ahead and say, "uh, yeah."

stewart: so you're not - you're not freaking out on us. are you freaking out on us?
mccain: just- just a little.
stewart: 'cause if you're freaking out on us, and you're going into the crazy-base world... are you going into crazy-base world?
mccain: i'm afraid so.

i know i say this everytime i watch the daily show, but still: jon stewart, marry me.


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