
Dream, bad-ish.

I had a very strange dream last night. I wish I remembered more of the details. I think I was in a mall, or maybe a library, with a group of people that I knew in the dream but didn't recognize in real life. At some point - I'm sure this made sense in the dream, but I can't remember how it came about - one of the girls I was with became suddenly very evil, possessed maybe. She had magical powers. I think we all did. Anyway, we had to do clever spells and run away from her. There was something about crossing a line that was made by throwing a green cloth over a row of black chairs, the kind that used to be in the EC rooms before the new furniture. We escaped, but then another girl from our group became evil. People were turning bad in succession! We kept winning, though, at least as much as I can remember.

So, when I was waking up, but still half-asleep, I was dreaming that one of the evil people had put a spell on my bookcase. So the bookcase was leaning and groaning and sliding forward from the wall toward my bed, presumably to tip over and fall on me and kill me. I think my eyes were actually open, that I was looking at the bookcase, and I'm almost positive I was talking in my sleep. I may have been muttering some incantation to the bookshelf, to make it stop advancing, or maybe I was just telling myself to run through the green line.

When I have dreams like this - when I'm half-awake but still inside the dream, and I want to go back to sleep but don't want to dream that anymore - I have to tell myself to think of something good, like the park, or a particular nonthreatening person, but something that won't then be incorporated into the dream I want to stop having. It worked, and I got to sleep fairly peacefully until my alarm started blaring maybe half an hour later.


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