
short notes

1. blog title changed. again. sorry to those of you who link by titles. it'll be shifting around for a while longer--you can name it whatever you want.

2. it's hot. i'd forgotten how hot manhattan apartments get in the summer. no a/c for me, just a big loud box fan for now. it'll do til july, i guess.

3. poultry days coming up this weekend. i'm going with a pick up-ish team from the ny area, coordinated by dusty (of nyu/drew) and with some really cool women at least. leaving 9am on friday morning and driving 12 hours each way. at least there'll be lots of chicken and hicks. that's all i need really.

4. having friends nearby is so amazingly amazing that i just can't get over it. dave is a busride away. i had dinner with evan and walked two blocks to get home. and tao is right there [taps wall]. living with great people in a neighborhood close to my friends totally, completely outweighs any advantages of living in the east village. moving was probably the best decision i've made all year.

5. i finished my track workout today. i'm really quite proud of myself. and i'm still sweaty and gross from it. next order of business: lukewarm shower, then bed.

6. i bowled a personal best yesterday--133. i had like three strikes! it was fun. bowling is probably my favorite extra-curricular(?) activity offered at work. plus, there was free beer. not that i had any.

7. my lsat class starts tomorrow with a diagnostic test. then every tuesday and thursday til mid-august i'll be slaving away trying to get a high enough score to get into georgetown with my mediocre gpa. though, i have to admit, i think it'll be kind of fun. the lsat seems to agree with me. i like puzzles. i like reading. so it's just a matter of focus and practice. and luck, i think. we'll see how tomorrow goes.

8. i'm still coming to terms with the idea of blogs as open letters. initially i thought i'd give it a try here by writing a short note to someone. i had a couple of false starts and eventually gave up. maybe that's just not in the cards for me. i'll stick to talking to myself.

9. i saw a girl on the subway the other day that looked, at first glance, ridiculously like london. it got me thinking. it's a small island. neither of us seems to be going anywhere. she may even read this--i have no idea. i'm totally lost. i have no idea what to do, or even if anything needs doing at all. i just wish she could be okay with me, you know, existing.

i remember a teacher telling me once that you should always put your strongest arguments last in a persuasive essay, because that's what people will remember most. i think that idea's been internalized to produce a desire to always end on a deeper, funnier, cleverer note. almost as if a post is worth less if it doesn't end well. sometimes it happens by accident, or maybe out of habit. all i know is that i agonize over the end of a post much, much more than over any other part (with the title coming in a close second, mostly). it presents a problem when i write haphazard posts. like this one. i don't know how to end. maybe i'll just say goodnight.


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