
lazy fucker

i'm blocked.

i haven't been able to write well for a while now (with the possible exception of my last post). and that includes all the shit i have to write at work--summaries and updates and emails and edits. i actually apologized to my boss when i sent her a draft of a memo she'd asked for. my thoughts get all jumbled up, and even when the ideas are clear in my mind, i can't seem to find the words to put them down so they make sense. anyway, that was a long lame-ass excuse for not posting much recently. no inspiration + no talent + no blogging. that's just the way it's gotta be.

i have a free weekend. on the list of things to get done: clean room, do laundry, go to beach or park, go to gym. maybe see "junebug" at the lincoln plaza theater; it looks like a cute movie. also, i have to apply for some interesting jobs before i miss the deadlines.

those jobs, by the way, are in miami. i've come to the (almost) conclusion that i want to move back home, closer to my family and my old friends and the beach. it'll help me save some money for law school, too (i'm going to have to pay for it sometime). plus, the city is starting to wear on me. there's more that i could say about that, but i won't be able to do my ideas justice right now, and really i'm just tired of typing right now. you'll just have to wait.

mara's coming on friday! halleluja, rejoice: the world is a beautiful place.


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