
leave a message

this will be my last post for a while. between lots of work and life turning basically upside-down, leaving new york without knowing yet where i'll end up, i just don't have the time to do what i want to do with this space. and, to tell you the truth, i'm a little tired of feeling guilty about it. though it's possible no one reads this thing anyway...

so, off i go for some unspecified period of time. the content will stay up as is, and--who knows?--you might get a duke post now and again. other than that, you'll just have to hold your breath until i (a) settle myself down somewhere new, and (b) figure out what i really want out of a blog. check back every so often if you're interested, though, 'cause i doubt i'll put out a PSA or anything when the writing part of my brain starts functioning again.

thanks for reading. it's been fun. bye for now.


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