
teenage wasteland

mara and i used to have the same cellphone. i still have mine - broken antenna and held together by a rubber band - but she's upgraded to something sleeker. when we'd hang out, sometimes i'd steal her old phone and play with the banner, which is one of its coolest features. it's really easy to change the banner text and, since it only shows up when you open the phone and pay attention, it can take a while to notice the difference. mara's name lends itself to fun puns (and we all know how much i LOVE puns) so i had a good time with my banner game. dirty berde. pretty berde. the berde's the worde. i remember once changing the banner to "free as a berde." i think she didn't notice for a while. it made her laugh. and she has one of the best laughs i've ever heard.

who is mara? where is bobby fischer? what is fight club? how many licks DOES it take to get to the tootsie roll center of a tootsie pop? the world may never know.


Blogger free berde said...

sai, you are hilarious! i LOVE the banner that you put on my phone. notice it has become the title of my blog. i actually might get a new screen name "free as a berde" because i love it that much. but i also now love "the berde's the worde" - which i had never thought of.

unfortunately, i got a new phone this week and it only allows like 12 characters for the banner. that's nothing! not long enough to write "free as a berde". i was SOOO mad when i found that out... i shortened it to "free berde", which is growing on me but is still not as good.

i miss you, can't wait to see you when i get back.

1:54 PM  
Blogger saisai said...

i know, silly! that was the inspiration for the post...

i can't believe summer is basically over. at least the weather looks to continue being gorgeous for another couple weeks--small consolation for the upcoming winter disgustingness.

8:48 AM  

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